Thursday, April 27, 2017


1  lb.      ground venison or beef
3            onions (large) sliced
1            green pepper (large) chopped
1 28oz   can tomatoes  diced, whole, whatever is on hand
1/2 cup  uncooked rice
1-2 tsp.  chili powder Penzeys (9000 or 3000) is best
2 tsp.      salt
1/8 tsp.   pepper (or more, to taste)

Heat oven to 250 degrees.  In a large iron skillet cook meat till brown.  Drain fat. Ann onions and pepper; stir & cook until onion is soft.  Stir in remainder of ingredients; heat through.  Pour into 2 qt. casserole dish.  Cover with foil and bake for about 1 hour.   Great with a platter of over-hard eggs and sourdough toast.  Just the thing before heading out to your deer stand.

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